
  • Unreal Engine Marketplace - Kubold Rifle Animset Pro
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 11. 17:04

    Hi, I'm very interesting in your PRO and Basic male and female package. Some questions about. 1) Is the Male Basic Animation package included to the Pro package? 2) Is the Female Basic Animation package included to the Pro package? 3) If not, would it be possible to combine the female and male package into the pro package and would it fit together? I want to have a female and male character in my project and want to switch between them. So it's required to have the animation of the pro package for the female basic and male basic character separate.

    Unreal Engine Marketplace - Kubold Rifle Animset Pro

    Would that be possible? Hi, I'm very interesting in your PRO and Basic male and female package. Some questions about. 1) Is the Male Basic Animation package included to the Pro package? 2) Is the Female Basic Animation package included to the Pro package? 3) If not, would it be possible to combine the female and male package into the pro package and would it fit together? I want to have a female and male character in my project and want to switch between them.

    So it's required to have the animation of the pro package for the female basic and male basic character separate. Would that be possible? Click to expand.Hi, 1) yes, Male Basic Animation is a part of Movement Animset Pro 2) No, this is just a sample of female animation pack, that is not yet available (but it will be) I made those cheaper 'Basic' packages, because some people need just basic idling and walking, for a point & clik adveture game for example. 3) All my animations, from all packages fit together. They are all played by the same actor and are all made for my game. So, for example, all loops start with right foot up, all walk and run starts blend together, all in-out poses are the same etc etc.

    Even swords and pistols blend together, all animations are a part of one big controller, I'm making. I am a prospective purchaser.

    I just want to say, amazing work. I've looked over a lot of the mocap stuff, and the only thing that comes close in quality is the Mobility MoCap and similar packs, but they are significantly more expensive and perhaps less supported. While I have read the entire forum and do understand the costs of the motion capture studio, and I do appreciate your minor profit margins, as an indie I'd love to use these but the entire package breaks the budget currently. I am curious if you'd consider a mega pack with everything in one, and include that uber controller you're working on as well, at a bit of a reduced price (or at least specifically, I'm interested in the movement, rifle, pistol, cover, and prone stuff, perhaps the uber controller could be dynamically flexible to utilize what's available instead of requiring everything?). Keep up the good work, hope you can provide a mega pack as I can't quite justify $65 (movement) + $50 (rifle) + $40 (pistol) + $50 (cover) + $15 (prone). Need to keep a little budget for a few other things I'd even be interested in a bundle of just movement, rifle, and pistol. Otherwise I may just have to pick up movement and hold off for a while on combat aspects.

    Side note, I am looking to incorporate this with Morph3D's morphing character system, I've had a little trouble with mapping the lite characters, if you get a chance I'd love to hear your experiences there (would it be better to replace the Morph3D avatar with yours still?). I know that such kind of questions is out of package support, but I really interested to hear the opinion of some professional and so experienced animator like you, and just don't know anyone else to ask. I've been working on controller for top-down shooter like in your pistol package(which I also bought and examine), and trying to solve 'legs crossing on strafe blending' problem. Strafe45(135)DegLeft(Right) animations doesn't solve the problem completely as you know. It's just reduces the areas of blendtree where it happens.

    Unreal Engine Marketplace - Kubold Rifle Animset Pro 2

    I have few ideas which I didn't have enough time to check yet, but I googled a lot and looks like there is still no good and simple way to handle this problem. Could you please give any clues and hints about solving this problem with your animsets in Unity's Mecanim? Thanks for well done job anyway!

    Your animation sets definetly worth their money. Hi, First thing to realize is that if you have 2 legs and you want to strafe in 360 degrees, then there unavoidably will be 2 angles when the legs will cross.

    Even if you would produce 360 walking animations for every agle, there would still be 2 angles when the legs cross. Fortunately, the leg crossing can happen only in half of the walk cycle time, the other half is when the legs are apart.

    What you can do to prevent crossing from happening: - you can resign from strafing in non-combat situations alltogether. Strafing is something people do ONLY in sports and combat in real life. In non-combat situations (Movement Animset Pro is a non-combat animation set), people just turn to desired direction and walk forward to get there. That's why all TPP AAA games do that (Uncharted, Tomb Rider, Assassin's Creed, Witcher etc.). Not only the movement will be more realistic, but also problems with legs crossing will disappear.

    you can stop the blendspace from blending further, if a) the walk cycle is in legs crossing phase, b) this is the angle when crossing can happen. When the walk cycle reaches the phase when the legs are apart, or the angle changes, you can resume with blending further. This solution will work well visually, but players will sometimes experience unresponsiveness of controls.

    use IK to prevent legs crossing and this is the best solution actually. If you are in the angle when feet can cross and in the cycle phase when the feet do cross, then move one or both feet by couple of centimeters for a moment, so they are apart. Mecanim has built in IK, so this is really easy. I noticed that many devs are terrified of IK.

    If you are not, and you use it all the time, then you may stop reading, but for all of you who didn't ever even try: I heard a lot of excuses, that it's too difficult, that it will kill the framerate, that it's not elegant and it's better to add more animations than use IK. This is all just not true.

    Please, use IK whenever you can. First of all this is an amazingly powerful tool, which can modify your animations almost entirely to your needs. It's really infinitely better to just add one IK effector to, for example, lower a gun, than add another 50 animations when character walks with lowered gun. Also if you use Mecanim Humanoid animations, you don't have to be afraid that IK will lower your framerate. Humanoid rig IS AN IK RIG. It's already ON on whole body.

    It's very very easy! More on that subject: Look at Max Payne 3. This is a very good example of solving TPP combat with quite realistic movement patterns. Max essentially never strafes in classical meaning, while the player feels that he does. But he doesn't really, even in combat - if you press left or right, Max will turn left or right, start running forward, while at the same time he twists his upper body and arms on additive animations and IK to aim where camera aims.

    When you let go of the button, he will stop running and quickly rotate in place to align with camera. This makes the movement natural and eliminates the legs crossing problem. This is what I'm talking about - strafing is not really natural to humans. Well, maybe in boxing or tennis, but that's a whole different story and you don't cross legs in that sports even in real life. I don't have any deadlines, so I can't give you any dates really.

    Right now I have plans for sets: Female 'works' (various daily activites for npc) Male 'works' Brawler Greatsword Longsword Spear Action movement (like in 'Prototype' game) Takedowns (synced on 2 people, lethal and non-lethal) Dialogue Pistol and unarmed covers (I think I'll just expand the existing rifle cover set and rise the price) Bow Minigun Climbing Swimming Not necessarily in that order. I could easly do pistol covers or takedowns first. It all depends on actors availability, my own projects and simply what I currently feel like doing. So for example if I'm 'in the zone' and I constantly watch UFC for a month, I will rather do brawler and takedowns set than swimming set if you know what I mean And in between making new sets, I also often update current sets with new stuff, that also takes time. All these sets need to have 2 versions - for Unity and separate for Unreal. There could easly be just one version, but Asset Store anims are not allowed to Marketplace, and Marketplace anims are not allowed to Asset Store, just 'becasue'.

    This is just becasue politics, since both versions can run on both engines. This is enough to keep me occupied for 2-3 years, unless I go out of bussiness. Click to expand.Hi, This is a bug caused by PlayMaker 1.8 beta. In PlayMaker 1.8 one of the most important Actions - Smooth Look AtDirection - c hanged from being infinite to finite(so in new version, when the object finishes rotating, the action turns itself off, instead of continuing infinitely). This breaks all my controllers, since they rely heavily on Smooth Look At action.

    Quick fix for now is to replace. Playmaker Actions SmoothLookAtDirection.cs Action from v1.8 with the SmoothLookAtDirection.cs Action from v1.7.x I will include the old SmoothLookAtDirection.cs as a separate action in next updates, but it will take some time, since I have to click through all SmoothLookAtDirections in all my controllers.

    Frankly, this decision to make this very important Action 'finite' is very bad in my opinion. This change breaks ALL playmaker games, templates, wip games - everything, that ever used this Action. This messes up the code of all things made in PlayMaker to this date.

    It would be much better if they just made an entirely new Action, like 'SmoothLookAtDirectionFinite.cs', instead of messing with the already established Action, which has been tested and proven to work for years. Hey, If you have bit spare time to answer some hobbyist a few questions about using playmaker with animations I would be happy to get some help here. Or someone else of course. ^^ Because I have some real strange behavior using your jump animation in my controller and I'm not even sure why. Basically my character is floating for half a second after a jump before it falls down. But animation itself seems to look ok but it is also something about the animations because if I change it I don't have that behavior, so it's very confusing for me.

    So when I used a different jump animation it worked without that problem so it's propably not about the playmaker controller, but your character doesn't have that problems. Also would like to ask for another added animation or guide?

    ^^ I would really love to see some more falling animation with less arms waving. More like in actual rpgs where you jump with arms hovering to side a bit and not wave around that fast but being more cool for longer time. Doesn't feel that herolike as it's right now but hey you know fantasy games, magic, heroes, dragons and so on, he should not be like crying too fast if jumping down from a house, just jump and roll. Are rolls in here already? Have not looked yet so sorry for asking, if not that's another request. ^^ But maybe I'm missing something here as well about the armwaving and it's already possible to have it less.

    Hm yeah if you or someone else can give some advice or help that would be great. For the first part of your post, I would need to see some video of what's happening, because I really can't figure out anything from the description, I'm sorry. As for falling - you just seem to need another animation, because you don't like this one, simple as that. Unfortunately pre-made, royalty free sets don't always fit perfectly to everyone's games - but they cost $60 instead of $6000, so it's a good tradeoff.

    Epic Games Marketplace

    I'll try to remember to add some more falling anims in next update. As for rolling etc. Movement Animset Pro is more like a casual movement set, rather than action set. Rolling doesn't really fit the posture and the tone of this set.

    Good news is, I already recorded Action Animset Pro - this will be a set PRECISELY for dynamic Hero movement with fast pacing, like in InFamus or Prototype games. It will include rolls, 'heroic' fallling, giant jumps, over the top action and attacks, throwing cars and such.

    You will be of course able to mix it with all my other sets. Aye of course it's a good trade and I'm not unhappy with what I bought. It's just a request for some time in future or other pack as you mentioned as I feel something like this would be good to have available and I'm happy to buy such a pack. Iam aware that I can't expect everything and of course I looked at other places as well. But Problem was I found nothing working that heroic way. So I thought there's maybe some way to already get the look and I missed it.

    About the short floating I'll try to record something if I notice it again. It's some weeks ago already when I had this problem then changed animations and now it seems to be gone if switching back to your animations. So propably I have something else different already, I think might have been about the physics as I had changes there about the friction. Or I missed something else and use a different combination of animations. Well I just make sure I make a short video if something like that happens again. Sorry to have that brought up but I was really surprised that it's suddenly gone as I was sure the problem is still there. But yeah I'm happy it's gone for now.

    Thanks for the good work.

    Hey guys just another video. Hope you enjoy. Been working on this for about an hour or so and got this far, This animation pack is easy to use, I set it up with root motion, but limits it to only single player. I will be making a multiplayer version of this shortly.

    Will try to do a tutorial on the overall build. Lastly, I hope that you guys really enjoy this content, I try my best on every work that I publish here on YouTube. Even tho these are a WIP they still look amazing to me! I am going to be polishing them up a little more and then posting another video on the whole project!

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